Monday, March 15, 2010


That's it. I ordered a desktop computer today. I haven't had a desktop computer at home for almost 4 years now (let's not count my two failed attempts at reviving my PC from France: it never really came back to life). And, now that I'm thinking about it, I had a desktop computer more or less continuously between 1985 and 2006. So I'm pretty excited.

I gave a call to the store to get a quote and the guy asked "Do you want to order it?" I wasn't paying attention, so I said "yes", then I inadvertently gave my credit card number and that was it. I could probably sue them, because they clearly caught me by surprise. These guys at Apple are good. Now I have to find a name for my computer.

I'm thinking of eddieizzard, datadriven, bicameralism, easilyamused and computer. I think datadriven is a fantastic name for a computer.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Troll, Lenin, Cinema, not Taoiseach (yet)

So, in Fremont, there's a Troll Avenue.

Quite nice already. But there's an actual troll at the end of that avenue, underneath a bridge.
Really great. But the best part (in my easily amused opinion) is there was a vote to decide the kind of art to put there. It means there exists a community in which a majority of people decided the statue of a troll was a good thing in order to meet the goal of building "a greater sense of place in the neighborhood[*]."

It's within walking distance of the Lenin Statue and "Fremont Almost Free Outdoor Cinema." I'm not making any of this up, honest.

[*]: As they say. I'd write "neighbourhood" but the guys over there don't speak nor write Taoiseach English.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lenin in Fremont

I'm just back from the Seattle area (more precisely, Fremont, WA). Quite surprisingly, there's a statue of Lenin, there. The full story of how it got there is worth a read.

"That's it! I'm going to 'merika!" -- Lenin