Monday, March 15, 2010


That's it. I ordered a desktop computer today. I haven't had a desktop computer at home for almost 4 years now (let's not count my two failed attempts at reviving my PC from France: it never really came back to life). And, now that I'm thinking about it, I had a desktop computer more or less continuously between 1985 and 2006. So I'm pretty excited.

I gave a call to the store to get a quote and the guy asked "Do you want to order it?" I wasn't paying attention, so I said "yes", then I inadvertently gave my credit card number and that was it. I could probably sue them, because they clearly caught me by surprise. These guys at Apple are good. Now I have to find a name for my computer.

I'm thinking of eddieizzard, datadriven, bicameralism, easilyamused and computer. I think datadriven is a fantastic name for a computer.


  1. Une pensée émue pour ces temps déjà lointains où tu me faisais découvrir l'AMSTRAD CPC 464, dans la chambre sous le toit.
    Y'avait quand-même beaucoup moins de fils...
    1985, Oh my God !

  2. Ah non, j'ai moins de fils sur mon nouvel ordinateur. Un, c'est difficile de faire mieux :)

  3. I like "datadriven". Similarly, you should consider "offline", "hope", and "idisagree".

    - S.
